cloud giant comparison

The Cloud Giants comparison AWS, Google, Azure, Alibaba Cloud

The sky is getting cloudier. Each time there are more and bigger clouds, full of services. All of them are good, and they want to be your all-in-one solution. Which cloud giant should you try? Check this cloud giants comparison and see if AWS is still the undisputed king, or Google, Azure, and Alibaba Cloud have enough to offer to compete.

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Tech deals of 2020

The biggest tech deals of 2020

The pandemic 2020 redesigned the world and everybody’s routine. We turned virtual for socializing, schooling, delivering, banking, and working. And everything has been possible due to the tech industry. 

Software and hardware to power this new world have kept evolving and growing massively. 

Tech players have been totally focused on getting the biggest profit out of this. The announcement of new mergers and acquisitions clearly showed strategic movements to expand, fight for the leadership, or have new market opportunities. 

Let’s take a look at the billionaire tech deals of 2020.

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DNS Failover

DNS Failover explained

In the best-case scenario, your DNS will always work perfectly. The name servers will be up all the time, and your visitors will get their queries resolved without any problem. Sadly the perfect case does not exist. Sometimes servers go down. Here comes the DNS Failover. It is a simple mechanism to redirect the traffic in case of a failure.

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DNS hosting

Most popular DNS hosting providers (pricing comparison) 

There are many DNS providers out there, and it could be really hard to choose the right one for you. Let’s check the most popular DNS hosting providers, check their features and prices. After seeing the comparison table, you will be able to choose a DNS hosting provider with a better understanding. 

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web hosting business

How to choose web hosting for my business website?

How is your business going? Are you finally going online? Are you happy with your current web hosting? Has your business grown?

Choosing quality and suitable web hosting for your website is very important. It totally will impact the performance of your business and, therefore, your profits.

There are factors to consider, but the starting point for you is to know your business objectives perfectly. Based on them, it is easier to define your needs.

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Authoritative DNS server

What is an authoritative DNS server?

Domain Name System (DNS) is a very cool world. As daily Internet users, we barely think about all the processes that take place when we surf on it, every time we click, we swipe, etc.

To dig a bit into the DNS scene could help everybody understand so much better an online business’ needs. 

This said, an authoritative DNS server is an essential DNS player, together with other servers (TLD, root, and recursive). They play in different scenarios but let’s say that during every common lookup, the four work in a team to accomplish the delivery of the accurate IP address of the domain requested to a visitor. 

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Best web hosting

5 best web hosting companies for 2021

2021 is here, but what does it mean for your web hosting? Are use still using one of the best web hosting companies out there, or is it time to jump into another wagon? Check these 5 best web hosting providers, and if the one you are using is not there, maybe it is time to move on.

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GeoDNS explained

GeoDNS, a big opportunity for your international business

In the Internet world, latency is a villain who kills website owners’ expectations. Every time users’ queries wait long to get a response, users abandon. All the work done inside the website to amaze them remains ignored.

Let’s fight the villain with GeoDNS!

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